Love, Philippine Cinema

We've been friends for a while and I feel like we've known each other forever.
We've seen each other through everything. When you were sad or bothered, you came to me. My stories to keep your mind off things and there was nothing that us and popcorn couldn't cure. I loved it more though when you celebrated with me — your wins, your birthdays, even Christmas. I spent it with you and your friends and family. Whether it was to laugh, or cry, even scream sometimes, we did it together.
I miss all of that.
Lately, I think we've been growing apart. There was of course the pandemic so I had to close my doors to you to keep us safe. And I was so excited for the day to come that you'd be able to see me again. But now it's finally allowed, you don't seem eager to catch up with me. I've heard you say "Nakakasawa na ang mga kuwento kasi paulit-ulit" so you'd rather stay home and go online than come and see me. You say now that you prefer better friends than me. I have to admit — that hurts.
But rather than wallow and sulk and think of the old days, I want you to know that I have thought long and hard about what happened between us. I've come to realize and understand where you're coming from. Maybe it is my fault. I've become complacent and too confident that you'd always stick with me. I've relied too much on what worked with you and I was reluctant to take risks. Sometimes I even cut corners. And you didn't deserve that. Maybe that's why you got tired of the old ways. I get that now and I'm willing to work on that because I don't want to lose what we've both worked hard for.
I love that you have met new friends, and found new ways to appreciate more stories. It's great that there are now more of us who can be there for you. But I hope to still be part of your experience.
I am willing to change, and I am willing to change with you. I recognize the importance of adapting to the times, and we can only go forward from here.
I know that growing can sometimes be painful, and most of the time, transformations are not so easy. You and I are no longer the same as we were ten years ago — even two years ago. It takes commitment to make things work. While we are transitioning to another phase of our lives, please don't give up on me. I swear that I am not giving up on you, too.
Perhaps it is currently a tad bit challenging but let's put in the time to know each other — us, our changing selves. Let's give each other the chance to be better. Let's keep talking. Let's never stop talking.
Usap tayo minsan. Miss na kita.
Philippine Cinema
Notes from the Chair
The Sunday Times Magazine - The Manila Times
Notes from the Chair is part of the Arts Awake section of The Sunday Times Magazine published by The Manila Times. Click HERE to view the article on The Manila Times website.