DOLE Allows Work at Home Arrangements for Children in Public Entertainment

The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) regarding the employment of minors in the entertainment industry during the pandemic. Under the recently released Labor Advisory 23 and 24, DOLE now allows work at home arrangement for minors (under the age of 18) with further stipulations for those under the age of 15.

Under Labor Advisory 23-2020, children below the age of 15 may participate in public entertainment or information so long as their tasks shall be done in their home under the supervision of their guardians or adult family members. In addition, representatives of the employer or production staff must secure a Working Child Permit from DOLE before the said child may work. The WCP will be issued through, and in-accordance with, the various DOLE regional offices.

Employers may file for a WCP at or All applications must be filed five days prior to actual shoot or activity in order to give DOLE personnel sufficient time to assess the said applications. If approved, the applicant will receive notification either through e-mail or their phone.

Meanwhile, under Labor Advisory 24-2020, minors between the age of 15 and below 18 may participate in public entertainment or information work provided that his/her work be done at home under the supervision of their adult family members. In this case, a permit application is not necessary. However, the employer must still notify the DOLE regional office with their intention to engage a child 15 to below 18 years old and submit a plan to ensure compliance with proper health and safety protocols.

Photo credit: Wence Trajano